Sunday 10 September 2017

The Wandering Heroes

Do you know of any treasure around here? *slap* Where are the rest of your tribe? *slap* Who is your leader? *slap* Are there traps ahead? *slap* Do you have any information that will advance the plot? *slap* - Every adventuring party's initial contact with the local goblinoids.

Where better to begin the great work than with an adventuring party, the wandering band of looters, vandals and murderers that sit at the heart of the genre. The models are all Ral Partha from the Questing Heroes set. They're nice and chunky with crisp, deep detail and paint up very easily.

The first model is a Paladin, Sir Quintus. His silly little goatee and dramatic posing really manage to imbue him with a sense of pompousness which fits perfectly with those god-bothering moralists.

Secondly, we have the Elven warrior, Darin Gentleleaf whose various ornamental gems nicely echo the High Elf army of my youth. She could be any of the martial classes. I regret that the eyes are left untouched but my skills are not quite there yet. It's not quite as noticeable/off-putting in the flesh, I swear.

The third is a messianic wizard, The Mighty Glot, with a suitably glorious mane and beard. My shoddy work on his eyebrows makes his brow look a bit off in the picture but it's a good mould, I assure you. There were some ill-advised efforts to tint the staff, hair and hands here but otherwise, I'm happy to field him. 

The last mini is, by far, my favourite of the batch. He looks like the archetypical hard-bitten warrior, veteran of a hundred grubby wars. I went with a Gaelic-esque colour scheme and it came out very well.

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