Saturday 16 September 2017

Goblin Hunters

These three chappies come from Splintered Light's Goblin Warband. Nice mix of foot goblins, characters and cavalry. There's also an ogre in there as heavy support.

The bushes rustled as the beast stepped carefully into the clearing. Its nostrils flared as it took in the air. As it lifted its right forehoof to step over the rocks, three barbed black arrows appeared along its flank. It stumbled once and fell dead.

They're a lot better equipped than some of the goblins in the pack and I chose to view them as elite troops. Their clothes are thicker with a few more furred ruffs, they're carrying more pouches, belts and equipment than the grunts and the fancy bows mark them out as a cut above the norm. These guys are a bit chunkier than I've come to expect from Splintered Light.

I went with a yellow colour scheme for the goblins as I quite like the old hooded Bad Moon look and drab browns combined with my painting would really stifle the sculpts. The grunts and commanders will be painted up soon.

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