Friday 15 September 2017

The Dwarves of Delveholme (Part II)

A second batch of dwarves from Splintered Light. The fifth dwarf is from the Dwarf Treasure Hunting Party, the rest are all from the Dwarf Adventurers set.

I find the pose on the first model to be a little bizarre, it's as if he wants to show off all his weapons at once. Paintjob is acceptable. I am very proud indeed, of the second model. I even managed to paint the eyes and the tip of his cigar. The eyes were... very difficult.

The third model is a female dwarf bringing some badly needed gender balancing to the group. She gives off a Valkyrie vibe. Similarly, the fifth model is somewhat unisex. She came out very well and can serve as anything from Ranger to Assassin.

I was less happy with the fourth model and he looks even worse in the photo with some manner of strange waxy finish visible. Boo.

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