Sunday 28 April 2019

The Dwarves of Delveholme (Part III)

Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work we go. - Traditional dwarven folk song.

We've seen mostly armed dwarves in my last few posts but the ratios are reversed here. The first dwarf is from Splintered Light's Dwarf Adventurers set, all the others are from their Dwarf Treasure Hunting Set.

The warrior is fine, a piratical sort but the rest came out really well. Really, really well by my standards. I was able to play around with some gnome-esque colour schemes, everything just worked, colours all clicked and I really enjoyed every second of my painting time. Used a mix of washes for the lantern and it came out exactly as I wanted.

Sculpt-wise, I'm very impressed by the Treasure Hunters, every sculpt is a good one, none jump out as proportionally "off" or weirdly posed. Thankfully, I've got about half the pack left to paint.