Monday 16 October 2017

The Ancient and Dusty Dead

These are from my increasingly depleted Greater Undead set. I've got a few vampires/wights and necromancers left but the common archetypes have all been used up.

Not an overly difficult bit of painting, splash some yellows and browns on, wait, then a quick and dirty wash sees them finished. My only regret is not going with a desert base on at least one of the models. I'll keep an eye out for a Egyptian style necromancer to add to the group.

Disclaimer: The central figure might actually just be a severely wounded, heavily bandaged man desperately seeking assistance rather than an ancient, undead ruler.

Sunday 8 October 2017

Ghoulish Zombies

I've mixed manufacturers here. The third, fourth and sixth are Ral Parthas. I went back to the Southern Death Cult pack and plucked out the zombies. The rest are Splintered Light ghouls from the Greater Undead which could work reasonably well as zombies. The respective styles of both manufacturers is pretty apparent here.

I have to say that these battered undead have the best effort to reward ratio when painting. Green tinting over grey on the skin, brown on the scraps of cloth and some blood effect here and there.

I must say that I prefer the Ral Parthas to the Splintered Lights but your mileage may vary. The central figure is my absolute favourite. Look at him! Lurching forward, axe jammed in skull, gripping his precious handful of flesh.